Well ive been jobless for nearly a year now so here are my random thoghts on bein jobless
- Well for starters it gives me loads of spare time LOADS OF IT. (see bellow for things to do)
- It gives me no money to spend (liven on bread is getin annoyin)
- Its damn hard to get a new one (damn immigrants)
- Theres nothin really to get outa bed for
- I end up watchin things very quickly
- Its like the color Grey
- The job center is most not helpfull
Things to do -
Play games - Yes play loads of them till they become dull
Tidy round - I have already sorted all my boxies
Read - Yes read random things
Look at the wall - This a nice album cover
Doodle - Yay for pc pen things there savein trees
Listen to music - It only works if you have a lot of it
Learn to enjoy mornin tv - Or not
Count the amount of dust on the TV -Due to there bein sod all on
Make friends with things around the home - The table has stopped talkin back
Go out - But with no money theres sod all to do appart from walk around
Wright things like this - It kills a hour if I type with one hand (two if I use both)
Go insane - Its only the table that keeps me sane
Make a list of things to do - See above
Well theres my thoghts on havein no job.