Heres some simple money saving advice for these dark times of mass firings and joblessness.
- Junk mail is unwanted but can make good cheap bog roll with the added bonus of being like saying “I wipe my arse with your offer”
- To save money on phone calls one bell people as most of the time they will ring you back
- To save money on books get Amnesia and you will forget the end of some books
- Learn to like tap water
- Free CDs make good mirrors
- Stain on that white tshirt ?. Spill more on it to make it look like a pattern
- TVs give off light, with the added bonus of the brightness august is like a dimmer
- Make sure that all devices use the same type of battery's and only use the one pair
- Or put the remotes away and save money on a gym membership
- Free papers are like free wrapping paper
- Video cassettes inerds also make good ribbons
- Get used to seeing in the dark
- Skips can sometimes have goodys within
- Dont use bin bags just empty the bin right into the big one
- Or bring the big bin indoors and use that
- Grow a bread and long hair to keep your head/face warm
- Spend more time round at a friends/Relatives houses
- Do your washing up while having a bath
- Or do it in the water thats left
- Branches make easy to look after plants
- Hair can be used in pillows
- Betting shops/Argos have a big supply of pens and bits of scrap paper
- Make friends with a pub land lord as free drinks might follow
- Cows (lazy buggers) make easy pets if you live near a field-With a bonus of free milk
And there you have it
My money saving advice