Friday 7 November 2008

Its been a long days night (and ive been gamein like a freak)

All nighters the fault of many a RPG (thats Role Playing Game)
The act of staying up all night can be blamed on them or any game for that matter but for me its these long as heck RPGs (Disgaea is one of the main problems)
I blame the bad use of save points of lack there of, The ill just level up this guy temptation, The random battles (Ok this is not the case in Disgaea)
Thank fully I dont have anything to do most days (Havein no job has its up sides)
But there comes a time when you have to put the pad down and say "Thats all" or else you might fall a sleep at the pad (This has happened to me) then find out that your time playing has gone up by a few hours

Well I have just done anther all nighter but instead of going to bed ive got to go places

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