Wednesday, 19 November 2008

You must be this small to play

As a nipper I remember looking up to a big thing with things that looked like bears that had been dipped into black paint, I am of course referring to the classic known as Space Invaders.
I remember standing on a small stool(Not as in shite as that would not make much height difference and make my shoes smell) and then pushing in a ten pence into the coin slot (where can you do that now and still get a game ?) then starting to play only to die quite fast (I didnt know what to do).
Time past (a few weeks) and I was finaly able to reach the controlls and so I was finaly able to play the game unaided, BUT ! I kept growing (or they started shrinking) and so a new problem started I was geting to tall to play any of the arcade games with out becomein a hunchback I tryed to use the stool mentioned earlyer but I could not ballance it on it.
So theres a new prob, I am too tall to play this is a major prob with Konamis nackering "Fighting Maina" where I cant reach the bottom pads.
So now im stuck.
Im too tall
What do I do ?
Cut my legs off so im not as tall ?
Or give up ?
Maybe that is one of the reasions why the arcades are disapireing ?

1 comment:

Shiroi-Ren said...

Lol! That's gotta hurt. But I noticed you've yet to be in my new place for a while, I wanted to tell you happy B-Day while at it though. :P

Hope you have a nice party over there. BTW, if you manage to show up, I have just updated my main two personal characters in Mugen. Thought I could let you have a look.